Email Etiquette Training

In this age of technology, email is the preferred and often most efficient form of communication, yet many organizations overlook putting a policy into place regarding the etiquette that should be followed by all staff.

Issues like bullying, sharing jokes and pictures and other inappropriate content should be highlighted with rules put into place about what is and what is not allowed when using internal or external email communication. You and your employees can benefit from learning about standard email etiquette by attending an Email Etiquette training course.

This Email Etiquette training course from PD Training provides participants the skills and techniques necessary for managing emails professionally, and writing emails with clarity and proper structures to avoid misinterpretations and miscommunication among staff and clients.

This exciting training course is available now throughout Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur.

This Email Etiquette training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Your Learning Outcomes

After completing this course participants will:

  • Develop a heightened awareness of the potential perils of digital communication
  • Master effective email structures to achieve clarity and successful communication
  • Learn to write for the reader, starting with effective subject lines
  • Make the most of 'email estate'
  • Carefully consider the email recipients
  • Learn to work within principles or 'rules of thumb' to ensure professional, clear & effective emails
  • Perfect grammar because it matters
  • Format messages for readability
  • Learn to write professionally and brand Broadcast emails
  • Learn to avoid senders regret by proof reading
  • Understand 'netiquette'
  • Master the inbox using some core principles and email functions


from 59 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 1.0 Days

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12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Email Etiquette Training Now

A new international workplace survey has found that 63% of Malaysians use email, Internet, or both while at work and most are convinced it makes them more productive.

The survey found that the use of online communications has extended across most of the workforce with only 9% using neither email nor Internet. 

The survey highlights the pervasive use of online tools in the workplace and there is little doubt that online technologies have transformed the way business operates. With this growing trend in modern business communication within Malaysia, the explosion of unnecessary and time-wasting emails was one of the biggest sources of complaint. Some 35% of workers said they received high levels of emails that were either time wasting or unnecessary. This evidently points to the volume of emails that are directed to people without a clear purpose.

In an increasingly knowledge-based economy, it is critical that information is widely accessible and able to be utilized effectively in the workplace. It is also vital that organizations develop policies to guide employees on the correct use of online communications. These should cover issues such as privacy, personal use, monitoring, downloading of content, access by third parties and illegal use of the Internet.

See the Live Online tab for the course outline for the live online course

Course Outline for Email Etiquette Training

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1


  • Evaluate your Email usage
  • Workshop Objectives

Topic 2

Introduction to Email Etiquette

  • Email is never secure
  • Big brother may be reading over your electronic shoulder
  • Productivity is lost when cyber-slackers log on
  • Email misuse and abuse may get you fired
  • Email can be embarrassing
  • Email abuse impacts revenues and also reputations
  • Email is easily misinterpreted

Topic 3

Create Structure for Success

  • Forward-To-CC-BCC
  • Urgent
  • ! High Importance vs Low Importance
  • Subject
  • Salutation
  • Introduction – Body – Conclusion
  • Signature
  • Draft
  • Time Delays

Topic 4

Rules of Thumb

  • Effective Subject lines: Tell me up front what you want from me
  • 1 page view only
  • Average 15 words per sentence
  • As short as possible – no extra words
  • 2 – 3 lines per paragraph

Topic 5

Grammar Perfect

  • Using spellchecker
  • Check for simple sentences
  • Use the Active Voice
  • Use of punctuation
  • Use of emoticons
  • Use of text talk

Topic 6

Formatting your Email Message

  • Email Style
  • Writing the Email
  • Selecting your format settings
  • Choose the Right Font
  • Select Appropriate Colors
  • Enhancing Readability
  • Resist the urge to use All Upper – or Lowercase Letters
  • Arranging Text into Vertical Lists
  • Sending Attachments with Care

Topic 7

Broadcast Emails

  • Branding
  • Importance of Branding and consistent subject headings

Topic 8

Proofreading Does Pay

  • A Proofreading Primer
  • How Peer Review Can Help

Topic 9

Polishing Your Cybermanners

  • Watch your Cyberlanguage
  • Avoiding Sexist Language
  • Set the Right Tone
  • Dodging Conversational Pitfalls
  • Extinguishing Flames

Topic 10

Netiquette Guidelines

  • Reviewing Netiquette Guidelines
  • Netiquette Guidelines for Managers

Topic 11

Managing Email Overload

  • Controlling your Inbox Clutter

Topic 12


  • The Good
  • The Bad
  • The Ugly


from 59 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 1.0 Days

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Email Etiquette Training Now

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  • Generate Branded
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    Reports Feedback
  • Complete Results

What are people going to do differently?

At the completion of training participants are encouraged to create an action plan, and invite an accountability buddy via their Orgmenta App.

In your Training Management Centre you have transparency to the action plans so you can see what people are going to do differently.

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We look forward to working with you, talk to one of our friendly expert consultants today.
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Outstanding learning that people can do in the flow of work

  • Fresh targeted video-based microlearning content with interactive lessons and quizzes included.
  • Rigourous review process
  • Only $11.00 per course per person per year
  • Or get the $110.00 bundle and save

Asking Questions

The most important foundation for communication and building meaningful relationships is listening, develop your skills with this micro eLearning course.

Bite size learning that people love

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